Time and Temperature

Part 6b: New Tools for Comparing Time and Temperature

    We have found that such cyclic phenomena as average temperature and daylight hours can be approximated by a function of the form

f(x) = A sin [ B (x - C)] + D

    To complete your assignment:
            1.  Give the equation for both the Daylight data and the Average Temperature data.  Explain how
                    you determined each of the variables: A, B, C and D. Be sure to answer all the questions asked
                    in Part 6a.
            2.  Determine the maximum value of each function.  On what date(s) do these maximums occur?
            3.  Describe your findings and suggest any possible reason(s) for this phenomenon.

    This POW will be graded as follows:
            - A maximum grade of B, if you choose to write Part 6 as seperate addendum to your Final Report.
            - A maximum grade of A+, if you choose to re-write your Final Report in light of your new findings.
            - Up to five points will be deducted for each incorrect variable (A, B, C and D); up to five points will be
                deducted for each incorrect maximum, and up to ten points will be deducted for failing to explain
                how you determined the variables and describe/explain your findings (#3, above).

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